Monday, April 16, 2012

women in distress

 It shows how the victim girl is sitting in the society (cactus represents the society)  and all the Pain see suffers from society (represented by cactus even on her private parts) and in the last what we do... We go and lit a candle in response. The blood from candle shows that we people lit candle but we can't accept her in the society .(It is just as if someone is drowning in water and as a helping hand someone uses snake instead of rope .) the same is doing society with that victim girl .In the end ,We forget her sufferings which lost into darkness.(the dark background represents that see will be lost forever.)


  1. the woman sitting at the edge of dark and light..

    1. Today I have seen this painting. It's so evoking...deep emotions
      Pathetic but so true.

  2. nice theme...women at dark & light edge....
